Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Who's infected and doesn't know it

Recent data from the CDC provides more detail about the approximately 232,700 living in the U.S. living with HIV who do not know it:
  • Over 113,000 are African American
  • Men infected through heterosexual contact (male/female) were more likely to be undiagnosed that either MSM (male-male) or hetersexual women.
  • Almost half (47.8%) of the young people (ages 13-24) living with HIV were undiagnosed, a greater proportion than any other age group.

Clearly, HIV testing remains a essential tool to addressing the HIV epidemic. At least one quarter (1/4) to one-half (1/2) of all new HIV infections are transmitted by undiagnosed people. Studies show that most HIV diagnosed people make an effort to protect their partners. Moreover, early detection is a key to successful treatment.

Are you positive that you're negative (for HIV) ?

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