Friday, September 5, 2008

The Risk of STI'S with Other Sexual Activities

A new article by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists published in the Journal: Obstetrics and Gynecology, reports that despite what many believe, "noncoital" sexual activities -- such as oral sex, mutual masturbation and anal sex still come with varying degrees of STI (sexually transmitted infection) risk.

Many people, especially adolescents, engage in oral, anal or mutual masterbation to reduce pregnancy risk, avoid using condoms thereby placing them at risk for acquiring an STI. In terms of HIV transmission, receptive anal sex carries the highest risk, followed by receptive vaginal sex. Therefore it is important to remember that anyone with whom one has sex, could potentially infect you with and STI, including HIV. Some of the ways to protect oneself are: Knowing one's partner-staying in a monogamous relationship and both of you getting tested for STI's before commencing sex; consistent and correct use of condoms for any kind of sex and; of course, abstinence.

Remember, not all STI's are curable and some are asymptomatic (meaning they do not have noticeable symptoms) So you might be infected and not even know it. Look before you leap!


XPERIENCES.... said...

Unfortunately, teens are not given proper education at school or home. It seems the education comes from television, books, friends and occassional discussion with trusted adults. However, conversation about anal sex, oral sex, masturbation and mutual masturbation dare not come out of the mouths of educators and parents. Therefore, seemingly leaving the burden to non profit organizations and possibly medical providers to educate youth. Where are the parents? Turn off the television and video games and TALK to your children......GEEESH!

Mickey said...

Yes i do believe that the parents need to "be parents" Today parents really dont care about their children and leave it to the teachers and other people to worry about it. Parents really gave up their rights. Therefore the youth is left out on their own to learn about it.